1. (i) Reasons Why Cleanliness of Cooking Utensils is Essential:
1. Prevents Contamination: If cooking utensils are not cleaned properly, they may contain germs or bacteria, which can contaminate the food, leading to foodborne illnesses.
2. Maintains Flavor and Quality: Unclean utensils may leave behind food particles or residues that can spoil the flavor of the dish being prepared.
2. (ii) Points to Consider While Selecting Fresh and Packaged Food to Maintain Food Hygiene:
1. Check Expiry Date: For packaged food, always check the expiry date to ensure it is safe for consumption.
2. Examine Packaging and Freshness: Fresh food like fruits and vegetables should be firm, fresh-looking, and free from mold or discoloration. For packaged food, ensure that the packaging is intact, without any tears or damage.