Step 1: Understanding the Floral Formula of Solanum nigrum Solanum nigrum belongs to the Solanaceae family. Its floral characteristics are:
- Bracteate (Br)
- Ebracteolate (Ebr)
- Actinomorphic (Radial symmetry, \(\oplus\))
- Calyx (K) with 5 fused sepals - Corolla (C) with 5 fused petals
- Androecium (A) with 5 epipetalous stamens
- Gynoecium (G) with a bicarpellary ovary (2 fused carpels)
Step 2: Identifying the Correct Answer The correct floral formula is: \[ Br \, Ebr \, \oplus \, K_{(5)} \, C_{(5)} \, A_{(5)} \, G_{(2)} \]
Match the following:
Identify the wrong pair:
If \( \sqrt{5} - i\sqrt{15} = r(\cos\theta + i\sin\theta), -\pi < \theta < \pi, \) then
\[ r^2(\sec\theta + 3\csc^2\theta) = \]
The system of simultaneous linear equations :
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} x - 2y + 3z &=& 4 \\ 2x + 3y + z &=& 6 \\ 3x + y - 2z &=& 7 \end{array} \]
Calculate the determinant of the matrix: