
Five sentences related to a topic are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out.

Updated On: Sep 30, 2024
  • In many cases time inconsistency is what prevents our going from intention to action.
  • For people to continuously postpone getting their children immunized, they would need to be constantly fooled by themselves.
  • In the specific case of immunization, however, it is hard to believe that time inconsistency by itself would be sufficient to make people permanently postpone the decision if they were fully cognizant of its benefits.
  • In most cases, even a small cost of immunization was large enough to discourage most people.
  • Not only do they have to think that they prefer to spend time going to the camp next month rather than today, they also have to believe that they will indeed go next month.
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The Correct Option is D

Solution and Explanation

The correct answer is (D):
This question is of a very high difficulty. It would be difficult for us to arrive at the answer because we don’t see any sentence that can start the paragraph. Statement 2 and 5 form a pair and must go together. Statement 2 says people will have to fool themselves and statement 5 says how they should fool themselves. Now we must find two more statements that can go together. Those two are statements 1 and 3. Both 1 and 3 speak of time inconsistency, 1 speaks of time inconsistency in most cases, while 3 speaks of time inconsistency in specific cases. Thus 1325 form a coherent para, there is no place for statement 4, as it does not connect with any other sentence.

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