Bond length is defined as the equilibrium distance between the nuclei of two bonded atoms in a molecule.
Bond lengths are expressed in terms of Angstrom \((10^{ -10}\; m)\) or picometer \((10 ^{-12}\; m)\) and are measured by spectroscopic X-ray diffractions and electron-diffraction techniques.
In an ionic compound, the bond length is the sum of the ionic radii of the constituting atoms \((d = r_+ + r_-)\). In a covalent compound, it is the sum of their covalent radii \((d = r_A + r_B)\).
The correct order of bond enthalpy \(\left( kJ mol ^{-1}\right)\) is :
\(O - O\) bond length in \(H _2 O _2\) is X than the \(O - O\) bond length in \(F _2 O _2\)The \(O - H\) bond length in \(H _2 O _2\)is Y than that of the\(O - F\) bond in \(F _2 O _2\)Choose the correct option for \(\underline{X} and \underline{Y}\) from those given below :