Evaluating each statement.
Statement i: False, as heat naturally flows from a higher to a lower temperature without work input, per the second law of thermodynamics.
Statement ii: True, as this is the fundamental operation of a heat pump.
Statement iii: True, since the COP of a heat pump is always one plus the COP of its counterpart working as a refrigerator under the same conditions.
Statement iv: Incorrect, as the correct expression for the COP of a refrigerator is \( \frac{Q_L}{Q_H - Q_L} \) where \( Q_H \) and \( Q_L \) are the heat rejected and absorbed, respectively.
Given below are some nitrogen containing compounds:
Each of them is treated with HCl separately. 1.0 g of the most basic compound will consume ....... mg of HCl.
(Given Molar mass in g mol\(^{-1}\): C: 12, H: 1, O: 16, Cl: 35.5.)