Step 1: Understanding the concept of Relative Compaction vs. Relative Density. - Relative Compaction is the ratio of field dry density to laboratory maximum dry density, expressed as a percentage. - Relative Density applies to coarse-grained soils, comparing void ratios. - However, the terms are sometimes used interchangeably in engineering practice.
Step 2: Effectiveness of Vibroflotation. - Vibroflotation is a deep compaction technique effective for granular soils. - It is not effective for highly cohesive soils, as they resist vibration.
Step 3: Understanding Zero Air Void Line vs. 100\% Saturation Line. - The Zero Air Void Line (ZAVL) represents maximum dry density achievable with full saturation (no air). - The 100% Saturation Line considers theoretical conditions. - Both are not identical because air content and compaction energy vary.
Step 4: Evaluating the Statements. - Statement 1 is debatable due to engineering usage. - Statement 2 is correct (Vibroflotation is ineffective for cohesive soils). - Statement 3 is correct (ZAVL and 100% Saturation Line differ). Thus, the correct answer is (C) 2 and 3 are correct.
What will be the unit weight of a fully saturated soil sample having water content of 38% and grain specific gravity of 2.65?
The degree of static indeterminacy for the frame shown in the figure is
As per IS 456 : 2000, Limit state of collapse – flexure, the maximum strain in reinforcing bars under tension at failure shall not be less than ……… , where \( f_y \) is the characteristic strength of steel and \( E_s \) is the Modulus of elasticity of steel.
As per IS800-2007, the minimum centre-to-centre bolt spacing measured in the direction of stress is ……. , where \( d \) is the nominal diameter of bolt.
The net section strength of a tension member …………. with the increase in ductility of steel.
The hydraulic efficiency of an impulse turbine is maximum when the velocity is …………. of the jet velocity.