
Compare and contrast between Portia and Jessica characters in Merchant of Venice.

Updated On: May 10, 2024
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Jessica and Portia, two characters from "The Merchant of Venice," exhibit contrasting traits:
1. Jessica betrays her father by eloping with Lorenzo, a Christian, and stealing his wealth. In contrast, Portia remains loyal to her father's will, even though it restricts her freedom to choose a husband.
2. Jessica shows no fear or shame in breaking her father's trust, while Portia hesitates to break her oath to her father while helping Bassanio.
3. Jessica feels embarrassed while disguising herself as a boy during her elopement, whereas Portia is excited and not shy about her plan to dress as a boy.
4. Jessica's father fails to provide her with love and affection, making her home unbearable. In contrast, Portia's father cares deeply for her future and devises the casket lottery to find a worthy life partner.
Overall, their personalities and actions diverge, shaping their roles in the play.
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Following are some traits of Portia’s and Jessica’s personality that contrast with each other :-
1) When Jessica and Lorenzo elope, Jessica displays her shame about her guy's disguise, while Portia, who is not at all timid, chats excitedly about her plan to dress like a boy.
2) While Portia's father was deeply concerned for her future and created a lottery of caskets to choose a life partner who will truly love her, Jessica's father failed to show her fatherly love and devotion and made his home a hell for her.
3) Jessica didn't have her father's loyalty. She also betrayed her beliefs in religion. In addition to running off with a Christian, she also stole her father's money, jewelry, and gold, taking with her a 2000 ducat diamond and a turquoise keepsake from her mother and father's romance.
However, even after her father's passing, Portia doesn't waver in her devotion to him. She submits to her father's wishes even though she believes they limit her ability to choose a spouse.
4) Jessica is not Afraid or ashamed of breaking her father’s trust on her. But Portia is very hesitant to break her oath to her father by helping Bassanio in choosing the right casket.

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