
Cold ferrous sulphate solution on absorption of $NO$ develops brown colour due to the formation of

Updated On: Apr 27, 2024
  • paramagnetic $[Fe(H_2O)_5(NO)]SO_4$
  • diamagnetic $[Fe(H_2O)_5(N_3)]SO_4$
  • paramagnetic $[Fe(H_2O)_5(NO_3)](SO_4)_2$
  • diamagnetic $[Fe(H_2O)_4(SO_4)]NO_3$
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The Correct Option is A

Solution and Explanation

Cold $FeSO _{4}$ solution on absorption of NO develops brown colour due to the formation of $\left[ Fe \left( H _{2} O \right)_{5}( NO )\right] SO _{4}$.
$FeSO _{4}+ NO +5 H _{2} O \longrightarrow \underset{\text{Brown ring complex}}{\left[ Fe \left( H _{2} O \right)_{5}( NO )\right] SO _{4}}$
This complex has $3.89\, BM$ magnetic moment shows that it has 3 unpaired electrons.
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Concepts Used:

Coordination Compounds

A coordination compound holds a central metal atom or ion surrounded by various oppositely charged ions or neutral molecules. These molecules or ions are re-bonded to the metal atom or ion by a coordinate bond.

Coordination entity:

A coordination entity composes of a central metal atom or ion bonded to a fixed number of ions or molecules.


A molecule, ion, or group which is bonded to the metal atom or ion in a complex or coordination compound by a coordinate bond is commonly called a ligand. It may be either neutral, positively, or negatively charged.