
The passage given below is followed by four alternate summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the passage.
Brown et al. (2001) suggest that ‘metabolic theory may provide a conceptual foundation for much of ecology just as genetic theory provides a foundation for much of evolutionary biology’. One of the successes of genetic theory is the diversity of theoretical approaches and models that have been developed and applied. A Web of Science (v. 5.9. Thomson Reuters) search on genetic* + theor* + evol* identifies more than 12000 publications between 2005 and 2012. Considering only the 10 most-cited papers within this 12000 publication set, genetic theory can be seen to focus on genome dynamics, phylogenetic inference, game theory and the regulation of gene expression. There is no one fundamental genetic equation, but rather a wide array of genetic models, ranging from simple to complex, with differing inputs and outputs, and divergent areas of application, loosely connected to each other through the shared conceptual foundation of heritable variation.

Updated On: Aug 20, 2024
  • Genetic theory has a wide range of theoretical approaches and applications and Metabolic theory must have the same in the field of ecology.
  • Genetic theory has evolved to spawn a wide range of theoretical models and applications but Metabolic theory need not evolve in a similar manner in the field of ecology.
  • Genetic theory has a wide range of theoretical approaches and application and is foundational to evolutionary biology and Metabolic theory has the potential to do the same for ecology.
  • Genetic theory provides an example of how a range of theoretical approaches and applications can make a theory successful.
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The Correct Option is C

Solution and Explanation

The paragraph discusses two important points: 
1. The possibility that "metabolic theory," as in (2), will serve as the basis for the study of ecology.
2. Given the variety and breadth of theoretical frameworks and models at our disposal, genetic theory serves as the conceptual foundation for evolutionary biology.
As a result, the summary must include both of these elements. Option B satisfies this prerequisite.
Option A is erroneous as well, as the author does not assert that metabolic theory "must" provide a comparable contribution. Rather, the "potential" of this idea is the main point of interest.
The author does not state that "metabolic theory need not evolve in a similar manner," hence Option B is a distorted assertion because it is not inferred in the passage. 
Since the author does not address the "success" of a theory, Option D is divergent. 
Hence the correct answer is (C): Genetic theory has a wide range of theoretical approaches and application and is foundational to evolutionary biology and Metabolic theory has the potential to do the same for ecology.

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