
The passage given below is followed by four alternate summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the passage.
Aesthetic political representation urges us to realize that ‘the representative has autonomy with regard to the people represented’ but autonomy then is not an excuse to abandon one’s responsibility. Aesthetic autonomy requires cultivation of ‘disinterestedness’ on the part of actors which is not indifference. To have disinterestedness, that is, to have comportment towards the beautiful that is devoid of all ulterior references to use – requires a kind of aesthetic commitment; it is the liberation of ourselves for the release of what has proper worth only in itself.

Updated On: Aug 20, 2024
  • Disinterestedness is different from indifference as the former means a non-subjective evaluation of things which is what constitutes aesthetic political representation.
  • Aesthetic political representation advocates autonomy for the representatives manifested through disinterestedness which itself is different from indifference.
  • Disinterestedness, as distinct from indifference, is the basis of political representation.
  • Aesthetic political representation advocates autonomy for the representatives drawing from disinterestedness, which itself is different from indifference
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The Correct Option is D

Solution and Explanation

Option A: This summary includes additional elements not found in the passage.
Option B: The assertion about autonomy being "manifested" through disinterestedness is not made by the author.
Option C: It fails to capture the essence of the discussion and focuses on a single aspect, possibly inaccurately labeling it as "political representation."
The paragraph discusses two essential elements: firstly, it delves into the autonomy exhibited by representatives in Aesthetic political representation, then emphasizes the cultivation of "disinterestedness" in this context. Moreover, the author distinguishes this concept from "indifference" and provides the rationale behind this distinction towards the end. Option D accurately encapsulates these points without altering the original meaning.

So, the correct option is (D): Aesthetic political representation advocates autonomy for the representatives drawing from disinterestedness, which itself is different from indifferenc

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