List of top English Core Questions asked in CBSE Class Twelve Board Exam

Read the following passage carefully:

(1) We’re all familiar with the usual reasons workers cite for wanting to stay away even after lockdowns have long ended: flexible schedules, not having to commute, and of course, increased productivity. However, productivity isn’t the only reason people want to stay away from the office. We recently surveyed 1,000 remote workers to find out what’s really keeping them tied to their work-from-home lives.

(2) The findings include: 72% want to be able to take a nap or exercise during the day. Nearly three out of four remote workers surveyed stated that the ability to take a nap or workout during the workday was one of the reasons they wanted to stay home. Though these activities may very well increase worker productivity, there’s no doubt that a nap on the kitchen couch would be frowned upon in the office.

(3) 73% want to be able to watch TV while they work. Three out of four respondents again say that being able to entertain themselves with TV, podcasts, music, or other media is one of the reasons they want to keep their work-from-home lifestyle.

(4) 62% cite concerns about their appearance. Well over half of respondents stated that they are concerned about their co-workers seeing them in-person again after such a long time apart. Whether it’s weight loss or gain, not having the right clothes, or another concern about appearance, most would rather not have to worry about the way they look to their co-workers outside a Zoom call.

(5) When asked to choose the reason that most affects their desire to keep working from home, predictable answers like caring for children and lack of a commute were still the most common number one reasons. 14% of respondents stated that working remotely was so important to them, that they would not go back to work in-person even if their employers required it.
Read the following passage carefully:

(1) What do we typically do when we find our children doing something we don’t approve of? We become reactive parents. Often, we pepper our reactions with lectures. When it doesn’t work and predictably so; we end up screaming and dole out a punishment. And our children react with anger, resentment or ‘can’t-be-bothered’ attitude.

(2) Buddhist Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh put it beautifully when he described how each child has both negative seeds- of anger, despair, hatred, fear and violence- and wholesome seeds- of love, happiness, compassion and forgiveness. According to him, what will blossom depends on the seeds we nurture.

(3) A parenting and educational approach that’s gaining a large following internationally, called the Nurtured Heart Approach (NHA) by Howard Glasser, is very much in keeping with this Zen approach. The three main aspects of this approach are:
  • Refuse to energize negativity.
  • Relentlessly energize their positives.
  • Reset: Do not react negatively and stay calm when the child does something wrong.
Parents following this approach commit to not saying or doing anything that may fuel negativity in the child. But the parent has to make sure she/he does this very calmly, without any anger or resentment.

(4) While on a mission to cut the negative, the parent looks for every opportunity to energize the positive in the child. This is done through persistently appreciating the goodness in the child in the smallest of ways: You were really generous about sharing your pizza with your sister; I appreciate the hard work you have put in your project; It takes courage to stand up to a bully. If you observe, the appreciation is not about saying “excellent”, “amazing” or “good”, which is really an empty praise and does not speak much to the child. Qualifying a praise, on the other hand, gives the child direction and she/he begins to understand what qualities, values and strengths are appreciated. These are also necessary ingredients of life skills and success.

(5) This approach is not merely about noticing when the child is being good, it is about recognizing the child’s worth at every step. It’s about aligning his energy in believing that he has great qualities, which are being identified and validated by the parents at every step. He realizes that there is no point choosing negativity, as there are no pay-offs to it, and is validated building his worth instead.
Read the text given below:
1. People below the age of 20 and above the age of 50 are more likely to believe fake news. Those relatively new to the use of the internet still do not grasp the concept of fake information over these platforms, reveals a new survey "Countering Misinformation in India." This survey has been conducted jointly by the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI).

2. At least 40% of the respondents believed in "misinformation" received over social media if it came with leading backgrounds and evidence, while 34% of them believe the information when it is shared by a trustworthy organization.

3. The dominant factor that drives people to forward such information is their belief that it might benefit others and help in their safety. In fact, that was the response of almost 50% of the respondents. This was compounded by the fact that at least 20% of the respondents expressed their lack of trust in conventional media, thus placing their faith in content shared by common people over social media.

4. But even then, newspapers still remain the top source of information for most. At least 53% of the respondents trust what is generally perceived as neutral media, and only 29% trust technology and social media platforms.

5. However, what was surprising was that almost 45% of the respondents did not even know about the existence of fact-checking organizations, and most did not even know that journalists had to verify data before they let it out. Only 26% of the respondents believe that it is the responsibility of the media to curb or identify fake news. Many respondents also put the responsibility of identifying such fake news on individuals.

6. The survey has found that first-time or early users of internet platforms are more susceptible to fake news than others. There is a need for building capacities and creating a National Civic Digital Literacy Strategic Plan.

Read the following passage carefully:

1. As a young adult, life can be stressful and overwhelming at times. Juggling school, work, social life, and other responsibilities, it can be easy to feel alone and disconnected from the world around us. Dogs are the ultimate companions for anyone looking to alleviate stress and loneliness. We’ll explore many reasons why dogs make the best companions for young adults.

2. Unconditional love: Dogs are known for their loyalty and love for their owners, no matter what. They don’t judge us, criticize us, or hold grudges against us. No matter how flawed or imperfect we may be, our dogs will always love us unconditionally. This kind of unwavering support and affection can be incredibly comforting for young adults struggling to find their place in the world.

3. Social connection: Dogs are great ice-breakers and conversation starters. Whether you’re walking them in the park, taking them to the dog beach, or simply hanging out at home, dogs have a way of bringing people together. For young adults who may feel isolated or disconnected from their peers, having a dog by their side can be a great way to connect with others and form new friendships.

4. Increase physical activity: Dogs require regular exercise in order to stay healthy and happy. This means that young adults who own dogs are more likely to engage in physical activity themselves. Whether it’s going for a run, playing frisbee, or simply taking a leisurely stroll, getting out with your dog can be a great way to boost your mood and energy levels.

5. Emotional support: Dogs are also great emotional support animals for those struggling with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Their presence alone can provide a sense of calm and comfort, and their ability to sense their owner’s emotions can be incredibly soothing. For young adults dealing with mental health challenges, having a dog as a companion can be a life-changing experience.

6. Improve responsibility and self-care: Owning a dog also comes with a great deal of responsibility and self-care. Dogs require regular feeding, grooming, exercise, and attention, which can be a great way for young adults to develop a sense of responsibility and self-discipline. Additionally, having a dog as a companion can encourage young adults to take better care of themselves, such as making sure they get enough sleep, eat healthily, and engage in regular exercise.

7. For all these reasons and more, dogs make fantastic companions for young adults. Whether you’re looking for emotional support, social connection, increased physical activity, or simply someone to love and be loved by, a dog can provide all these things and more. So, the next time you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, consider finding a furry friend to take on the world with you.