Which of the following are the correct statements with reference to early traditions of ‘Bhakti’ ?
(A) The language of the hymns sung by Alvar and Nayanar Bhakti saints was Tamil.
(B) One of the major anthologies of compositions by the Alvars, named as "Nalayira Divyaprabandham" was frequently described as the 'Tamil Veda'.
(C) Women saint Andal was a devotee of Vishnu and Karaikkal Ammaiyar, a devotee of Shiva.
(D) Alvar and Nayantar traditions have also been seen as a movement of protest against the caste system and dominance and Brahmanas.
(E) The relation of Alvar and Nayarnar Bhakti tradition with Buddhism and Jainism was extremely amicable and harmonious.
Choose the correct answer and from the options given below :