Step 1: A MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) operates in three regions: - Cutoff Region: Acts like an open switch. - Linear (Ohmic) Region: Acts like a variable resistor. - Saturation Region: Functions as a current source.
Step 2: When the MOSFET is fully ON, it operates in the linear region, where the channel behaves like a low-resistance path.
Step 3: The ON-state resistance is called Drain-to-Source ON Resistance (\( R_{DS(on)} \)), which is constant and depends on: - Channel doping concentration. - Gate drive voltage.
Step 4: Evaluating options:
- (A) Constant resistance (Correct): The MOSFET channel behaves as a resistor in the ON state.
- (B) Inductance (Incorrect): The channel does not exhibit significant inductive effects.
- (C) Capacitance (Incorrect): Capacitances are present but do not dominate in the ON-state.
- (D) Resistance and Inductance (Incorrect): The MOSFET channel primarily acts as a resistor when ON.