
What is the major cause of diminishing wildlife number?

Updated On: Jun 23, 2024
  • felling of trees
  • paucity of drinking water
  • cannibalism
  • habitat destruction.
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The Correct Option is D

Solution and Explanation

Wild life refers to all living oiganisms (terrestrial, aquatic and aerial) living in all possible natural habitats of their own, other than the cultivated plants and domesticated animals. Thus 'wild life' does not exist only in jungles and are hunted down but wild life includes even the migrating birds, turtles, coral reefs, microorganisms, insects, fishes, etc. Several hundred oiganisms are endangered or on the verge of extinction. The reasons are deforestation, pollution, killing, over exploitation etc. The most important among them is deforestation or destruction of their natural habitat because it will affect the species (flora and fauna) of complete area and not only the few organisms. The natural habitat may be destroyed by man for his settlements, grazing grounds, agriculture, mining, industries, dam building etc. As a consequence of this, the species must adapt to the changes, move elsewhere or may succumb to predation, starvation or disease, and eventually dies.
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Concepts Used:

Biodiversity and Conservation

The term ‘biodiversity’ is derived from the two words- ‘bios' which means life and ‘diversity’ i.e, differentiation or variation. Edward Wilson, the sociobiologist was the first to popularise the term ‘biodiversity’ in the year 1992. The term implies the occurrence of various plants and animals along with their variants such as biotypes, ecotypes and genes on earth. In our biosphere, the immense diversity or heterogeneity remains not only at the species level but also, at every level of biological organization that ranges from macromolecules in the cells to biomes.

Biodiversity and Conservation is a topic covered under the fifteenth chapter and Unit 5 of NCERT class 12 biology.