Magnetic moment of a current carrying coil is defined as the product of current in the coil with the area of coil in vector form. That is, $\vec{M}=I \vec{A}$ Thus, dimensions of $M =[ A ]\left[ L ^{2}\right]$ $=\left[ L ^{2} A \right]$
The physical world includes the complications of the natural world around us. It is a type of analysis of the physical world around us to understand how it works. The fundamental forces that control nature are:
Gravitational Force is a universal force that exists as an outcome of mutual attraction between any two objects with respect to their masses.
Electromagnetic Force can be understood as the force that is present between the charged particles. The force is stated by Coulomb’s law.
Strong Nuclear Force is the force that ties the protons and neutrons in a nucleus. Of all the elemental forces in nature, a strong nuclear force is the strongest as its name suggests.
Weak Nuclear Force can only be noticed in some of the nuclear processes such as the beta decay of the nucleus.