Ans. Surjective Function is another name for the onto function. A function is described as a relationship between values or elements of one set and values or elements of another set such that the elements of the second set may be defined equally well by the components of the first set. A function consists of distinct kinds, which often specify the connection between two sets that follow different patterns. Onto function, many-to-one function, one-to-one function, etc. are some examples of the various types of function.
The function is a process that relates elements of two different sets. One set is called the domain while the other is referred to as the codomain. Functions can be explained in simple words as ‘for every set of inputs, there is a unique set of outputs’. It is important to note that the output and input sets should have some elements for a function to exist, which means it must not be empty sets.
A function is often represented as f (x) = y. There are many distinct types of functions, including equivalence relations, periodic functions, many-to-one relations, algebraic relations, onto relations, into relations, rational relations, one-to-one relations, linear, quadratic, cubic, even, and odd relations.
There is just one and only one element in the codomain for each element of a function in the domain. There can be no relationship between any two codomain elements and any element in the domain. It is possible to correlate the same element in the codomain with two different items in the domain.
The range denotes the actual input of the function, the codomain states possible outcomes, and the domain is basically what can go into the function.
\[ f(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 - 2x & \text{if } x < -1 \\ \frac{1}{3}(7 + 2|x|) & \text{if } -1 \leq x \leq 2 \\ \frac{11}{18} (x-4)(x-5) & \text{if } x > 2 \end{array} \right. \]
A function is a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output. Let A & B be any two non-empty sets, mapping from A to B will be a function only when every element in set A has one end only one image in set B.
The different types of functions are -
One to One Function: When elements of set A have a separate component of set B, we can determine that it is a one-to-one function. Besides, you can also call it injective.
Many to One Function: As the name suggests, here more than two elements in set A are mapped with one element in set B.
Moreover, if it happens that all the elements in set B have pre-images in set A, it is called an onto function or surjective function.
Also, if a function is both one-to-one and onto function, it is known as a bijective. This means, that all the elements of A are mapped with separate elements in B, and A holds a pre-image of elements of B.
Read More: Relations and Functions