Which of the following compounds would give the following set of qualitative analysis?
• (i) Fehling’s Test: Positive
• (ii) Na fusion extract upon treatment with sodium nitroprusside gives a blood red colour but not
It is the amount of solute present in one liter of solution.
Concentration in Parts Per Million - The parts of a component per million parts (106) of the solution.
Mass Percentage - When the concentration is expressed as the percent of one component in the solution by mass it is called mass percentage (w/w).
Volume Percentage - Sometimes we express the concentration as a percent of one component in the solution by volume, it is then called as volume percentage
Mass by Volume Percentage - It is defined as the mass of a solute dissolved per 100mL of the solution.
Molarity - One of the most commonly used methods for expressing the concentrations is molarity. It is the number of moles of solute dissolved in one litre of a solution.
Molality - Molality represents the concentration regarding moles of solute and the mass of solvent.
Normality - It is the number of gram equivalents of solute present in one liter of the solution and it is denoted by N.
Formality - It is the number of gram formula present in one litre of solution.