Match the following:
Step 1: Porifera (A) are simple, multicellular organisms, commonly known as sponges. The larval form of Porifera is the Parenchymula (IV), a flagellated larva that helps the sponge to swim and find a suitable substrate for attachment.
Step 2: Cnidaria (B), which includes jellyfish, corals, and hydras, has a Planula (I) as its larval form. The planula is a free-swimming, ciliated larva that eventually settles and develops into a polyp or medusa.
Step 3: Annelida (C), which includes segmented worms like earthworms, has a Trochophore (II) as its larval form. The trochophore is a ciliated, free-swimming larva typical of this group, involved in the early stages of development.
Step 4: Echinodermata (D), which includes starfish, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers, has an Auricularia (III) larval form. This is a free-swimming, bilateral larva that later undergoes metamorphosis to become an adult echinoderm.
Conclusion: The correct matching is:
A-IV (Porifera — Parenchymula)
B-I (Cnidaria — Planula)
C-II (Annelida — Trochophore)
D-III (Echinodermata — Auricularia)
What are X and Y respectively in the following set of reactions?
What are X and Y respectively in the following reactions?
Observe the following reactions:
The correct answer is: