List I (Type of Arthropods) | List II (Name of Arthropods) |
(A) Soft ticks | (I) Menopon gallinae |
(B) Louse | (II) Tunga penetrans |
(C) Fleas | (III) Cytodites nudus |
(D) Mites | (IV) Argas persicus |
The correct match for the types and names of arthropods are:
- Soft ticks: Argas persicus
- Louse: Menopon gallinae
- Fleas: Tunga penetrans
- Mites: Cytodites nudus
Thus, the correct answer is Option (D).
List I (Name of Disease) | List II (Causative Agent) |
(A) Brooder pneumonia | (I) Aspergillus flavus |
(B) Candidiosis | (II) Aspergillus viridicatum |
(C) Aflatoxicosis | (III) Aspergillus fumigatus |
(D) Ochratoxicosis | (IV) Candida albicans |
List I (Name of Disease) | List II (Alternate Popular Name of Disease) |
(A) Inclusion Body Hepatitis | (I) Bird flu |
(B) New Castle disease | (II) Gumboro disease |
(C) Infectious Bursal Disease | (III) Leechi Disease |
(D) Avian Influenza | (IV) Ranikhet disease |
List I (Name of Disease) | List II (Causative Agent) |
(A) Ranikhet disease | (I) Corona virus |
(B) Infectious Bursal Disease | (II) Herpes virus |
(C) Infectious bronchitis | (III) Paramyxo Virus |
(D) Infectious Laryngotracheitis | (IV) Birna virus |
List I (Particular Features) | List II (Temperature) |
(A) Brooding temperature | (I) 41°C |
(B) Setter temperature in Incubator | (II) 39°C |
(C) Chick body temperature | (III) 35°C |
(D) Adult hen body temperature | (IV) 37.5°C |
List I (Act of Parturition) | List II (Livestock) |
(A) Foaling | (I) Mare |
(B) Calving | (II) Buffalo |
(C) Lambing | (III) Ewe |
(D) Kidding | (IV) Goat |