A typical vegetable cart, as seen in India, is shown below.
A) Identify and list FIVE distinct problems from: Buyer’s Point of View. Seller’s Point of View. List the problems only in the given space.
B) From the above-listed problems, draw and visually explain any ONE problem of the buyers, and any ONE problem of the sellers in the given boxes.
Additional Instructions:
1. Do not limit yourself to the buyer and seller in the given image.
2. Write the identified problems only on the dotted lines.
3. Draw and visually explain the listed problems only in the given boxes.
Evaluation Criteria
1. Ability to identify unique and relevant problems in the given context.
2. Severity of the problems identified.
3. Ability to communicate problems through visuals.
4. Presentation, clarity, and neatness.
Identified Problems: Buyer’s Point of View:
Seller’s Point of View:
Visual Representation:
Shown below is an image that shows the step-by-step process of folding a white color fabric. The folded fabric is dipped into color at three corners P, Q, and R as indicated in the image. What will be the resultant fabric after unfolding?