
In this question, you are given two statements. To answer this question, you can use one or both the statements.
How many hours will it take for all the students and teachers together to put up a tent?
A. There are 4 teachers and 7 students.
B. All the teachers working together can put up the tent in 5 hours while all the students working together can do so in 3 hours.

Updated On: Oct 1, 2024
  • If statement A ALONE is sufficient to answer the given question, but statement B alone is not.
  • If statement B ALONE is sufficient to answer the given question, but statement A alone is not.
  • If both the statements TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the given question, but neither statement alone is sufficient.
  • If both the statements are INDEPENDENTLY sufficient to answer the given question.
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The Correct Option is B

Solution and Explanation

Statement A alone is insufficient because it does not provide any information about time, while statement B alone is sufficient as it lacks the number of teachers and students.
∴ All the teachers can complete 1/5 of the work in 1 hour, and all the students can complete 1/3 of the work in 1 hour.
Thus, together they can complete 8/15 of the work in 1 hour, meaning the entire work will be finished in 15/8 hours. 
Therefore, statement B alone is sufficient.
The correct answer is (B): If statement B ALONE is sufficient to answer the given question, but statement A alone is not.

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