The correct option is (D): [6,∞)
Calculate the Reynold’s number for a liquid of density 1 g/cm3, viscosity 8 x 10-4 Pa.s flowing at 0.5 m/s through a pipe of diameter 4 cm?
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The molar conductivities at infinite dilution for Na2SO4,K2S04,KCl, HCl and HCOONa at 300K are 260, 308, 150, 426, and 105 S cm2 mol-1, respectively. What will be A+m for formic acid in the same unit?
Electrophilic halogenation of phenol does not require catalyst because
A function is a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output. Let A & B be any two non-empty sets, mapping from A to B will be a function only when every element in set A has one end only one image in set B.
The different types of functions are -
One to One Function: When elements of set A have a separate component of set B, we can determine that it is a one-to-one function. Besides, you can also call it injective.
Many to One Function: As the name suggests, here more than two elements in set A are mapped with one element in set B.
Moreover, if it happens that all the elements in set B have pre-images in set A, it is called an onto function or surjective function.
Also, if a function is both one-to-one and onto function, it is known as a bijective. This means, that all the elements of A are mapped with separate elements in B, and A holds a pre-image of elements of B.
Read More: Relations and Functions