
In bryophytes

Updated On: Jun 23, 2024
  • both generations are independent
  • gametophytes are dependent upon sporophytes
  • sporophytes complete their life cycle
  • sporophytes are dependent upon gameto- phytes.
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The Correct Option is D

Solution and Explanation

In bryophytes the main plant body is gametophytic which is independent and may be thallose (no differentiation in root, stem and leaves) e.g., Riccia, Marchantia, Anthoceros etc. or foliose (having leafy axis) e.g. Sphagnum, Funaria etc. The gametophyte bears the sex organs antheridium and archegonium. Sexual reproduction is of oogamous type. It forms zygote that gives rise to the sporophytic phase. It is differentiated into foot, seta and capsule. The capsule produces spores after meiosis that again gives rise to gametophytic phase. The sporophyte is partially or full dependent upon the gametophyte and is of shorter duration.
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Concepts Used:

Plant Kingdom

The Plant Kingdom comprises all the plants that have some shared characteristics. These are bacteria (prokaryotes), photosynthetic plants, fungi, and several non-photosynthetic plants.

Read Also: Two Kingdom Classification

Several features of Kingdom Plantae are as follows:

  • They are stationary. They are static and usually remain in one place only.
  • They have branches that expanded and green leaves due to the presence of chlorophyll.
  • They are an autotrophic mode of nutrition that simply means they prepare their food with the help of water, sunlight and carbon dioxide. It is further known as self-nutrition.
  • They indulge in photosynthesis during the day and therefore more carbon dioxide is needed during the day and at night it is released.
  • They secure their food in the form of starch-like algae.
  • They have an inelastic wall around their cell known as a cell wall comprised of cellulose.
  • There is an absence of the nervous system and excretory system.
  • Reproduction is entirely dependent on air, insects and water. Asexual and vegetative method of reproduction is noticed or detected.
  • The non-photosynthetic plants acquire their food through parasitism, i.e through their host like Indian pipe.

Read More: Classification of Plants