
Cuscuta is an example of

  • ectoparasitism
  • brood parasitism
  • predation
  • endoparasitism

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The Correct Option is A

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Cuscuta is a total stem parasite which is a good example of ectoparasitism. It is commonly found growing on hedge plants. It has lost chlorophyll and leaves in the course of evolution. It attaches and wraps itself around the stem of host plant and produces haustoria that gets inserted into the vascular system of host. The parasitic plant sucks all the nutrients from the host plant with the help of haustoria. Cuscuta is known to receive even the flower inducing hormone or florigen from the host.

The other relationships mentioned above are not seen in Cascuta. 

  • Brood Parasitism - It is a type of parasitism shown by birds. In this, birds like cuckoo lay their eggs in the nest of another bird who then nourishes and hatches the egg. 
  • Predation - In predation, an organism is killed and eaten by another organism. It involves the transfer of energy from prey to the predator. 
  • Endoparasitism - It is type of parasitism in which an organism grow and reproduces inside the body of another organism (host). It is shown by tapeworms, nematodes etc. 
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