
[Cr(H2O)6]Cl3 (at. no. of Cr = 24) has a magnetic moment of 3.83 BM, the correct distribution of 3d electrons in the chromium of the complex is:

Updated On: Aug 14, 2024
  • 3d1x2-y2, 3d1z2, 3d1xz

  • 3d1xy, 3d1x2-y2, 3d1yz

  • 3d1xy, 3d1zy, 3d1xz

  • 3d1xy, 3d1yz, 3d1z2

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The Correct Option is C

Solution and Explanation

[Cr(H2O)6]Cl3, with a chromium atom having an atomic number of 24, exhibits a magnetic moment measuring 3.83 B.M. The correct arrangement of chromium's 3d electrons within the complex is as follows: 3d1xy, 3d1zy, 3d1xz.
The magnetic moment value of 3.83 B.M. is indicative of the presence of 3 unpaired electrons in the system. This determination was made using the formula 3.83 = n(n+2), which yields a value of n=3. All these unpaired electrons are situated in the t2g orbitals, corresponding to 3d1xy, 3d1yz, and 3d1xz.

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Concepts Used:

Applications of Coordination Compounds

There are three applications of coordination compounds:

  1. Zinc-complex enzymes like carbonic anhydrase important to buffering reactions in blood. 
  2. Copper-complex enzymes important to iron storage and producing pigments in hair, skin, and eyes. 
  3. Nickel-complex enzymes as part of the enzymes urease and hydrogenase