Classify each one of the following angles as right, straight, acute, obtuse or reflex:
(a) Acute angle
(b) Obtuse angle
(c) Right angle
(d) Reflex angle
(e) Straight angle
(f) Acute angle
Match the following:
(i) Straight angle (a) less than one-fourth a revolution
(ii) Right angle (b) more than half a revolution
(iii) Acute angle (c) half of a revolution
(iv) Obtuse angle (d) one-fourth a revolution
(v) Reflex angle
(e) between \(\frac{1}{4}\) and \(\frac{1}{2}\) of a revolution
(f) one complete revolution
Complete the drawing shown in Fig. 9.14 to indicate where the free ends of the two wires should be joined to make the bulb glow
Object | Material |
Book | Glass |
Tumbler | Wood |
Chair | Paper |
Toy | Leather |
Shoes | Plastics |
Write first five multiples of :