
Chloramine- $ T $ is a

Updated On: May 15, 2024
  • disinfectant
  • antiseptic
  • analgesic
  • antipyretics
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The Correct Option is B

Solution and Explanation

Antiseptics drugs cause destruction of micro organisms, which produce septic diseases, eg, dettol, savlon, acriflavin, boric acid, phenol, iodoform, $KMnO _{4}$ and some dyes such as chloramine-T, methylene blue.
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Concepts Used:


Antiseptics can be defined as antimicrobial agents which can be applied on the body of living organisms to inhibit the action of microbes. They are not injected into the body like the antibiotics, rather they are applied on the surface of the skin to heal the living tissues in case of wounds and cuts.

Dettol is the most commonly used antiseptic. It is a mixture of chloroxylenol and terpineol. Iodoform is also used as an antiseptic for wounds.

Types and examples of Antiseptics:

Antiseptics are of many types out of which some can be used at homes whilst some are suitably used in clinical and hospital setups. Some of the common types are listed below

  • Alcohols like isopropyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol
  • Chlorhexidine and diguanides 
  • Quaternary ammonium compounds
  • Halogenated phenols
  • Peroxide and permanganates 
  • Quinolone 
  • Antibacterial dyes

Some of the common uses of antiseptics are as follows:

  • Dry hand-washing that healthcare professionals do between different surgical procedures
  • Preventing infections on the skin in particular to cuts scrapes and burns
  • Treating throat infections with mouthwashes or lozenges
  • Cleaning the mucous membranes to treat infections or before using a catheter