
Biological control of agricultural pests, unlike chemical control, is

Updated On: May 18, 2024
  • self perpetuating
  • polluting
  • very expensive
  • toxic.
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The Correct Option is A

Solution and Explanation

The control of insect pests by the introduction, encouragement and artificial increase of biological agencies like predaceous and parasitic insects, other animals and diseases is termed as biological control. It is basically a natural control in which man plays significant role of making the biological agencies more effective. It is a self perpetuating method as the organisms which act as biocontrol agent are able to grow and reproduce unlike chemical control agents.
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Concepts Used:

Microbes in Human Welfare

There are several valuable microorganisms that are beneficial to humans in various manners such as:

In Household Products

  1. Fermentation of milk to produce yogurt.
  2. Milk cuddling to compose curd, cheese, and paneer.

In Industrial Products

  1. Production of beverages such as wine, beer, whiskey, brandy, or rum.
  2. Production of antibiotics such as Penicillin and other chemical substances to kill or retard the expansion of disease-causing microbes.

Fermented Beverages

  1. A fermentor is used to produce microbes on a large scale for industrial purposes.
  2. The brewer’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is used to make ethanol. At this time, the yeast ferments malted cereals and fruit juices.


  1. The term antibiotic means “against life”. These materials can kill or destroy the growth of other microbes.