Write an article highlighting how Dr. Sadao’s actions demonstrated the importance of humanity and living in harmony.
Humanity: A Value That Binds Us Together
Dr. Sadao’s actions exemplify the true essence of humanity. Despite being a Japanese citizen during wartime, he chooses to save an enemy soldier’s life, putting his morals above nationalistic hatred. His medical expertise and compassion drive him to uphold the Hippocratic Oath, even at great personal risk. Dr. Sadao’s decision reminds us that humanity transcends boundaries of race, nationality, and conflict. By helping the soldier, he demonstrates that living in harmony and valuing life are fundamental principles for a better world. His story inspires us to act selflessly and uphold our shared humanity.
“If I am able, are you?” Sadao asked. “No,” Hana said, “But if you can do it alone...” Sadao hesitated again. “The strange thing is,” he said, “that if the man were whole I could turn him over to the police without difficulty. I care nothing for him. He is my enemy. All Americans are my enemy. And he is only a common fellow. You see how foolish his face is. But since he is wounded...” \hfill (The Enemy)
(a) State the following:
(i) Kohlrausch law of independent migration of ions
A solution of glucose (molar mass = 180 g mol) in water has a boiling point of 100.20°C. Calculate the freezing point of the same solution. Molal constants for water and are 1.86 K kg mol and 0.512 K kg mol respectively.
Write the reactions involved when D-glucose is treated with the following reagents: (a) HCN (b) Br water
Identify A and B in each of the following reaction sequence:
Would you expect benzaldehyde to be more reactive or less reactive in nucleophilic addition reactions than propanal? Justify your answer.