Sulfates are less soluble in water as they move up the groups.
Down the group since the sulfate is so large, even a tiny change in the size of the cation from Be to Ba has little effect on the amount of lattice energy.
As the size of the cation increases down the group, the energy of hydration falls from Be2+ to Ba2+. Due to the decreasing hydration energies, the solubilities of the sulfates of alkaline earth metals fall along the group.
The greatest amount of solute that will dissolve in a known volume of a solvent at a given temperature is the definition of a substance's solubility. A solute, which might be solid, liquid, or gas, is a material that dissolves in a solvent. A homogenous combination of one or more solutes in a specific solvent is referred to as a solution.
According to the definition of solubility product, it is the "maximum product of the molar concentration of ions (which has been raised to their suitable powers) that are yielded due to the dissociation of the given compound."
At a specific temperature, the solubility product doesn't change.
The solubility decreases with decreasing value of the solubility product.
Additionally, the solubility increases with the solubility product's value.
Which of the following has the highest hydration energy?