
A student observed an algae with chlorophyll a, b and phycoerythrin, it should belong to

Updated On: Jun 23, 2024
  • phaeophyta
  • rhodophyta
  • chlorophyta
  • bacillariophyta.
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The Correct Option is B

Approach Solution - 1

The algal class rhodophyceae contains a red pigment (r-phycocrythrin) and a blue pigment (r-phycocynin) in the chromatphores. These pigments can utilize those wavelengths of light (blue-green region of spectrum, i.e., 480-520 nm) that are not absorbed by chlorophyll. This enables red algae to grow at greater depths than other plants (upto 300 ft. below water). In addition to these, chi.-a, chl.- d, carotenes and xanthophylls are present. In phaeophyceae chromatophores are yellowish brown in colour possessing xanthophylls in abundance. Bacillariophyceae are called 'diatoms' due to presence of an accessory brown pigment called 'diatomin', other pigments are chi.-a, chi.-c (but not chi.-6), carotenes and xanthophylls. In chlorophyceae colouring pigments are just like higher plants, i.e., Chi.-a, Chi.-6, xanthophylls and carotenes.

So, the correct option is (B): rhodophyta.

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Approach Solution -2

The pigment phycoerythrin, which reflects red light and absorbs blue light, is what gives red algae their red color. These pigments enable red algae to photosynthesize and survive at somewhat deeper depths than the majority of other "algae" because blue light can penetrate water to a greater depth than light with longer wavelengths. Because of the chlorophyll and other pigments they contain, certain rhodophytes may seem green or bluish even when they contain very little phycoerythrin. 
Therefore, choice B is the right response.
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Concepts Used:

Plant Kingdom

The Plant Kingdom comprises all the plants that have some shared characteristics. These are bacteria (prokaryotes), photosynthetic plants, fungi, and several non-photosynthetic plants.

Read Also: Two Kingdom Classification

Several features of Kingdom Plantae are as follows:

  • They are stationary. They are static and usually remain in one place only.
  • They have branches that expanded and green leaves due to the presence of chlorophyll.
  • They are an autotrophic mode of nutrition that simply means they prepare their food with the help of water, sunlight and carbon dioxide. It is further known as self-nutrition.
  • They indulge in photosynthesis during the day and therefore more carbon dioxide is needed during the day and at night it is released.
  • They secure their food in the form of starch-like algae.
  • They have an inelastic wall around their cell known as a cell wall comprised of cellulose.
  • There is an absence of the nervous system and excretory system.
  • Reproduction is entirely dependent on air, insects and water. Asexual and vegetative method of reproduction is noticed or detected.
  • The non-photosynthetic plants acquire their food through parasitism, i.e through their host like Indian pipe.

Read More: Classification of Plants