
A set of eight candidates A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are being interviewed by two panels of interviewers: Panel I and Panel II-from 9.30 to 10.50 on a particular day. Each panel will spend about 10 minutes per candidate and at no time during the interview process will a panel be without any candidate. The original schedules of interviews for the eight candidates are shown in the following table:
CandidatePanel-I TimePanel-II Time


9.30 to 9.40

10.10 to 10.20


9.40 to 9.50

10.20 to 10.30


9.50 to 10.00

10.30 to 10.40


10.00 to 10.10

10.40 to 10.50


10.10 to 10.20

9.30 to 9.40


10.20 to 10.30

9.40 to 9.50


10.30 to 10.40

9.50 to 10.00


10.40 to 10.50

10.00 to 10.10

Due to requests from the candidates, the interview schedule was altered for several candidates. The alterations were made in such a way that whenever a change was made, the time schedule for both the panels of a particular candidate was exchanged in entirety with the time schedule of another candidate. The following alterations were made:
I. A's place was taken by G
II. A in turn was accommodated in C's place
III. C in turn was accommodated in E's place
IV. E took H's place
V. H took G's place

Question: 1

Which of the folllowing candidates Finished the interviews along with E?

Updated On: Sep 25, 2024
  • A
  • C
  • D
  • F
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The Correct Option is C

Solution and Explanation

The correct option is (C): D.
Explanation: After the schedule alterations, E takes H’s place. According to the original schedule, H finishes their interview at 10.50 with Panel I. So, E will now finish at 10.50 in Panel I. In the original schedule, D also finishes at 10.50 in Panel II. Thus, both E and D finish their interviews at the same time. Therefore, the correct answer is Option (C): D.
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Question: 2

Which of the folllowing candidates Finished the interviews before C?

Updated On: Sep 25, 2024
  • B
  • D
  • Both of these
  • None of these
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The Correct Option is D

Solution and Explanation

The correct option is (D): None of these
Explanation: After the schedule alterations, C takes E's place. In the original schedule, E's interviews end at 10:20 in Panel I and 9:40 in Panel II, meaning C now finishes at these times. Both B and D, in their respective schedules, finish their interviews later than C (B finishes at 10:30 and D finishes at 10:50). Hence, the correct answer is D – none of these.
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Question: 3

If G and .A had to leave together, then how much time did any of them has to wait?

Updated On: Sep 25, 2024
  • A has to wait 1O minutes
  • G has to wait 20 minutes
  • None of tlhem has to walt
  • G has to wait 30 minutes
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The Correct Option is B

Solution and Explanation

The correct option is (B): G has to wait 20 minutes
Explanation: After the schedule changes, G takes A's place. In the original schedule, A finishes at 10:20 in Panel II, so G now finishes at 10:20. A, after being moved to C's place, finishes at 10:40 in Panel II. This means G finishes 20 minutes before A, so G has to wait for 20 minutes if they are to leave together. Therefore, the correct answer is Option B – G has to wait 20 minutes.
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Question: 4

Which one of the Following statements is true?

Updated On: Sep 25, 2024
  • G could leave even before E's First interview was over
  • F and H left together
  • D was the only candidate who could give company to E
  • All of these
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The Correct Option is C

Solution and Explanation

The correct option is (C): D was the only candidate who could give company to E
Explanation: After the schedule changes, E finishes at 10:50 in Panel I. Since D also finishes at 10:50 in Panel II, D is the only candidate who could accompany E at that time. Option A is incorrect because G finishes before E's interview ends, and B is not possible as F does not finish at the same time as E. Therefore, the correct answer is C – D was the only candidate who could give company to E.
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