(ii). (1) Intelligence: Cerebrum.
(2) Riding a bicycle: Cerebellum.
(3) Vomiting: Medulla oblongata.
(4) Controlling hunger: Hypothalamus.
(iii). The brain and spinal cord are protected by:
• Cranium and Vertebral Column: These bony structures provide physical protection.
• Meninges: These are three protective membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
• Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF): This fluid cushions the brain and spinal cord, absorbing mechanical shocks.
(b). (i) Tropic movements are directional movements of plants in response to external stimuli. The direction of the response depends on the direction of the stimulus.
• Example: Phototropism (movement in response to light).
• Hormones:
– Inhibits growth: Abscisic acid (ABA).
– Promotes cell division: Cytokinin.
(ii) Explain directional movement of a tendril in pea plant in response to touch. Name the hormone responsible for this movement.
The directional movement of a tendril in pea plants is an example of thigmotropism (response to touch). When the tendril comes in contact with a support:
• Auxin accumulates on the side opposite to the contact.
• The cells on the opposite side elongate faster than the cells on the side in contact.
• This causes the tendril to curl around the support.
Hormone Responsible: Auxin.