List of top English Questions asked in Karnataka Management Aptitude Test

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words in the passage have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
The University Grants Commission's directive requiring college and university lecturers to spend a minimum of 22 hours a week in direct teaching is the product of budgetary cutbacks rather than pedagogic wisdom. It may seem odd, at first blush, that teachers should protest about teaching a mere 22 hours. However, if one considers the amount of time academics require to prepare lectures of good quality as well as the time they need to spend doing research– it is clear that most conscientious teachers work more than 40 hours a week. In university systems around the world, lecturers rarely spend more than 12 to 15 hours in direct teaching activities a week. The average college lecturer in India does not have any office space. If computers are available, Internet connectively is unlikely. Libraries are poorly stocked. Now the UGC says universities must implement a complete freeze on all permanent recruitment, abolish. All posts which have been vacant for more than a year, and cut
staff strength by 10 per cent. And it is in order to ensure that these cutbacks do not affect the quantum of teaching that existing lecturers are being asked to work longer. Obviously, the quality of teaching–and academic work in general–will decline. While it is true that some college teachers do not take their classes regularly, the UGC and the institutions concerned must find a proper way to hold them accountable. An absentee teacher will continue to play truant even if the number of hours he is required to teach, goes up.
All of us are well aware of the unsound state that the Indian higher education system is in today. Thanks to years of sustained financial neglect, most Indian universities and colleges do no research worth the name. Even as the number of students entering colleges has increased dramatically, public investment in higher education has actually declined in relative terms. Between 1985 and 1997, when public expenditure on higher education as a percentage of outlays on all levels of education grew by more than 60 per cent in Malaysia and 20 per cent in Thailand, India showed a decline of more than 10 per cent. Throughout the world, the number of teachers in higher education per million population grew by more than 10 per cent in the same period; in India it fell by one per cent. Instead of transferring the burden of government apathy on to the backs of the teachers, the UGC should insist that needs of the country’s university system are adequately catered for.
In the following passage, you have two brief passage with 5 questions following eachpassage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and blacken the appropriate rectangles in the Answer-sheet.
Passage - I
“The Law is an ass’, declared Mr. Bumble in “Oliver Twist”, and it often seems he was right. For punishment does not always fit the crime and it rarely happens that a prison term reforms a criminal.”Consider the following tow cases. The first one had happened in a village in Madural District. One Gopal One Gopal Yadhav, a hard-core criminal undergoing life sentence in the Madural Prison came out on ball for two days to perform the last rites of his mother. But he was rearrested on the same evening on the charges of murdering his neighbour’s son the settle old scores.
The second case too came to Madural Court recently. Deserted by her husband a drunkard, his grief-stricken wife mixed rate poison in the food and gave it to her four children aged between 1 1⁄2 and 9 years. Before she could swallow the same food she was unable to bear the pritiable sight of her children writhing in pain. She rushed them to hospital where she disclosed everything. She was able to save the lives of the first three children, but the law of the country awarded her tow years imprisonment (later commuted to one year) on the charges of plotting to kill her children. Would you say women like here are a danger to the society? Would you call them criminal? It is high time that we found other ways of registering our disapproval of wrong doing. To imprison the bad is expedient – when they are dangerous. To imprison the mad and the merely sad, as we do, is not only unnecessary, it is uncivilized.