The meaning of idiom ‘blow one’s own trumpet’.
The meaning of idiom ‘To have an axe to grind is’.
Meaning of the idiom ‘Sitting on the fence is’.
Synonym of Rendezvous?
Antonym of Cease?
Antonym of Harsh?
Write the 2 different meaning of "still" in both the sentences: (a) Still water runs deep (b) Still he lives in that house
Convert the sentence from passive voice to active voice: "We should respect elders."
Meaning of Manana is:
Meaning of Foreign Word : Adieu, Prima - Facie.
One word substitution : Pandemic.
What is the synonym of Outstanding?
We have a fight on our hands”. Change this statement into a question.
“We won”. Change this statement into a question.
I ______ an answer to my letter within a few days.
Virtues as the sands of the shore. (Identify the figure of speech)
She was absorbed ___ her studies.
Synonym of Honesty?