
Wind pollinated flowers are

Updated On: Jun 23, 2024
  • small, brightly coloured, producing large number of pollen grains
  • small, producing large number of dry pollen grains
  • large producing abundant nectar and pollen
  • small, producing nectar and dry pollen.
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The Correct Option is B

Solution and Explanation

Pollination or pollen grain dispersal that happens because of the wind is called as anemophily.


  • Wind pollinating plants produce light weighted pollen grains so that they can be blown by the air. This also helps in causing cross-pollination between different plants belonging to the same species.
  • Wind pollinating plants do not have beautiful flowers on them that might attract insect, bird, or animal pollinators. Thus, pollination is done by the wind.
  • Wind pollinated plants produce a lot of pollen to increase the chances of pollination. It is also very, very light in texture so that it is blown on the wind currents. Pollen produced by wind-pollinated plants is of very low nutritional benefit to insects.
Wind Pollination


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Concepts Used:

Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

Sexual reproduction in flowering plants takes place or happens when the production of a new organism occurs from two parents by making use of their gametes or sex cells. Both sexual and asexual reproduction can be found in plants. Nearly all flowering plants reproduce sexually. Flowers play a captious role in the process as it carries both the male and female reproductive parts commonly known as androecium and gynoecium respectively.

An individual flower comprises the following parts - 

  • Pedicle
  • Calyx
  • Petals
  • Sepals
  • Stamen
  • Pistil
  • Receptacle