
The plasmids commonly used in gentic engineering are

Updated On: Jul 28, 2022
  • extrachromosomal $DNA$
  • nuclear $DNA$
  • membrane bound organelles
  • $DNA$ attached to mitochondria
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The Correct Option is A

Solution and Explanation

Plasmid is extrachromosomal $DNA$ present in many bacterial cells. It is a very small piece of circular $DNA$. It is of immense importance in bacterial life as presence of a plasmid may confer resistance to one or more antibiotics upon the bacterial cell. Desired pieces of $DNA$ can be inserted into plasmids, as done in genetic engineering. Eukaryotic genes can be inserted into plasmids and cloned in E.coli. So industrial production of some valuable proteins (e.g; human insulin, growth hormone, antigens for vaccine, etc.) became successful with the help of plasmids.
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Concepts Used:

Structure of DNA and RNA

DNA Structure:

Human DNA is unique and is made up of 3 billion base pairs. However, 99% of them are the same in all humans. The sequence of these bases determines what information needs to be coded that is necessary for the organism's growth and development. During the process of transcription (when DNA is replicated), a product is formed known as RNA (Ribonucleic Acid). This RNA is responsible for translating genetic information from DNA to protein followed by reading through ribosomes. 

Read More: Structure of DNA

RNA Structure:

The ribonucleic acid has all the components same to that of the DNA with only 2 main differences within it. RNA has the same nitrogen bases called the adenine, Guanine, Cytosine as that of the DNA except for the Thymine which is replaced by the uracil. Adenine and uracil are considered as the major building blocks of RNA and both of them form base-pair with the help of 2 hydrogen bonds.

RNA resembles a hairpin structure and like the nucleotides in DNA, nucleotides are formed in this ribonucleic material(RNA). Nucleosides are nothing but the phosphate groups which sometimes also helps in the production of nucleotides in the DNA.

Read More: Structure of RNA