Gross receipts of mega burger = 2.5 + 2.5 + 3.4 = 8.4 million
Gross receipts of pizza pie = 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 million
Required difference million
The correct option is (B): 2 million
2.67 %
% increase in receipts of pizza pie from 2001-2002 =\(\frac{3-2}{2}\) X 100 =50%
% increase in receipts of mega burger from 2001-2002 =\(\frac{3.4-2.5}{2.5}\) X100=36%
Required difference = 15%
The correct option is (A) : 15%
In 2002, there are increasing receipts of burgers and pizzas, but we cannot say for sure, why it declined for crunchy chicken.
The correct option is (C): Decrease in demand for chicken