In a Vernier caliper, \(N+1\) divisions of vernier scale coincide with \(N\) divisions of main scale. If 1 MSD represents 0.1 mm, the vernier constant (in cm) is:
List I | Author | List II: Text |
A | Arundhati Roy | (I) Midnight's Children |
B | Salman Rushdie | (III) The Ministry of Utmost Happiness |
C | Kiran Desai | (II) The Inheritance of Loss |
D | Shashi Deshpande | (IV) The Dark Holds No Terrors |
A | Cones | I | White |
B | Green ware | II | Blue |
C | Cobalt Oxide | III | Bend under heat |
D | Porcelain | IV | Bisque-fired |