The Allahabad Prashasti, composed by Harisena, employs the Champu kavya style, which combines prose and poetry. This style was commonly used in classical Sanskrit literature to enhance the aesthetic and rhythmic quality of inscriptions.
List-I | List-II |
(A) Founding of the Indian Museum, Calcutta | (I) 1880 |
(B) H.H. Cole appointed Curator of Ancient Monuments | (II) 1923 |
(C) John Marshall publishes the Conservation Manual | (III) 1814 |
(D) Establishment of the Government Museum, Madras | (IV) 1851 |
List-I | List-II |
(A) Natyashastra | (I) Bhavabhuti |
(B) Malati Madhava | (II) Vishakhadatta |
(C) Mudrarakshasa | (III) Bharata |
(D) Shishupalavadha | (IV) Magha |
List-I | List-II |
(A) The Indo-Greeks | (I) A. K. Narain |
(B) Early History of the Deccan | (II) B. N. Mukherjee |
(C) The Rise and Fall of the Kushana Empire | (III) G. Yazdani |
(D) The Agrarian System in Ancient India | (IV) U. N. Ghoshal |