
Take the data giving the minimum and the maximum temperature of various cities given in the beginning of this Chapter .Plot a double bar graph using the data and answer the following:
the minimum and the maximum temperature of various cities
(i) Which city has the largest difference in the minimum and maximum temperature on the given date?
(ii) Which is the hottest city and which is the coldest city?
(iii) Name two cities where maximum temperature of one was less than the minimum temperature of the other.
(iv) Name the city which has the least difference between its minimum and the maximum temperature.

Updated On: Jul 26, 2024
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Solution and Explanation

A double bar graph for the given data is constructed as follows.
 double bar graph
(i) From the graph, it can be concluded that Jammu has the largest difference in its minimum and maximum temperatures on 20.6.2006.
(ii) From the graph, it can be concluded that Jammu is the hottest city and Bangalore is the coldest city.
(iii) Bangalore and Jaipur, Bangalore and Ahmedabad For Bangalore, the maximum temperature was 28ºC, while the minimum temperature of both cities, Ahmedabad and Jaipur, was 29ºC.
(iv) From the graph, it can be concluded that the city which has the least difference between its minimum and maximum temperatures is Mumbai.
So Maximum temperature =32ºc and
Minimum temperature =27ºc.
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