This is a logic puzzle where six brothers (Anna, Bhai, Nana, Dada, Appa, and Bal) are seated around a circular table for dinner. You are given clues about their seating arrangement:
The puzzle asks you to determine which statement about their seating arrangement is necessarily true. By visualizing the table and considering the different possibilities for placing the brothers according to the clues, we can deduce that Anna is necessarily next to Bhai.
The correct answer is (B): Anna is next to Bhai
Six brothers (Anna, Bhai, Nana, Dada, Appa, and Bal) are having dinner at a round table. We're given clues about their seating arrangement, with the key restriction being that Bal doesn't want to sit next to Bhai.
By carefully working through the clues, we deduce that Bhai must sit next to Anna to satisfy all the given conditions.
The correct answer is (B): Bhai has to sit next to Anna
If you imagine them sitting around a table, you can see that by simply rotating everyone one position to the right, Appa would be to the left of Nana, not the right.
The correct answer is (D) : None of these