Bharat Express travels at 30 km/h and leaves at 3 pm.
Laxman Mail travels at 40 km/h and leaves at 4 pm.
The distance between Rampur and Sitapur is 100 km.
Both trains make a 15-minute stop after covering 10 km.
By 4 pm (before Laxman Mail starts), Bharat Express has traveled for 1 hour at 30 km/h, covering 30 km.
Then, Bharat Express will stop for 15 minutes at 10 km from Rampur.
At 4 pm, the distance between Bharat Express and Laxman Mail is \(100 - 30 = 70 \) km.
\(\therefore\) both trains are moving towards each other, the combined speed is \(( 30 + 40 = 70 )\) km/h.
They meet in \(\frac{70}{70} = 1\) hour after 4 pm, i.e., at 5 pm.
Bharat Express travels 30 km from 4 pm to 5 pm, so its total distance covered from Rampur is \(30 + 30 = 60\) km.
Laxman Mail travels 40 km from Sitapur by 5 pm.
Therefore, both trains are the equidistant (60 km) from Rampur when they meet.