
Questions are followed by two statements A and B
How long will it take to travel from A to B? It takes 4 hours to travel from A to B and back to A.
A: It takes 25% more time to travel from A to B than it takes to travel from B to A.
B: C is midway betweda A and B and it takes 2 hours to travel from A to C and back to A

Updated On: Sep 27, 2024
  • Statement A alone is sufficient to answer the question asked, but the statement B by itself is not sufficient to answer the question
  • Statement B alone by itself is sufficient to answer the given question, but statement A alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
  • Both the statements A and B together are sufficient to answer the given question but neither statement by itself is sufficient to answer the question
  • Two statements A and B, even when taken together, are not sufficient to answer the question.
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The Correct Option is A

Solution and Explanation

The correct option is (A): Statement A alone is sufficient to answer the question asked, but the statement B by itself is not sufficient to answer the question
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