
Pure hydrogen is obtained by carrying electrolys is of

Updated On: Jun 23, 2023
  • water containing $H_2SO_4$
  • water containing $NaOH$
  • $BaOH_2$ solution
  • KOH solution
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The Correct Option is C

Solution and Explanation

Pure hydrogen is obtained by the electrolysis of $Ba(OH)_2$ solution in a U-tube using nickel electrode. The gas is liberated at the cathode and is passed over heated platinum gauze to remove oxygen if present as impurity
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Concepts Used:



Electrolysis is the process by which an element is decomposed and undergoes some chemical change under the influence of any electric current. The first-ever electrolysis was executed out by Sir Humphrey Davey in the year 1808. Electrolysis can occur in both Galvanic cells and Electrolytic cells

Applications of Electrolysis:

  1. Electrolytic cells are used for the production of Hydrogen and Oxygen gas from water.
  2. They are used for the large-scale production of pure metals like sodium, copper, magnesium, etc.
  3. They are used to extract Aluminium from Bauxite.
  4. Electrolytic cells are used for electroplating, a process by which a thin protective layer of one metal is formed over another metal, mostly for protection.
  5. Electrolysis is used for the electrorefining of non-ferrous metals.

Read More: Products of Electrolysis