
Ostia are present in

Updated On: Jun 26, 2023
  • Poriferans
  • Annelids
  • Coelenterata
  • Arthropoda
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The Correct Option is A

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Ostia are the pores present in the body wall of poriferans (sponges). Through ostia, the water moves in and out of the body of sponges.
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Ostia are the inhalant pores found in sponge bodies. Water enters the sponge's body via the Ostia and travels to the spongocoel. It then exits the body via the osculum. Ostia is only found in sponges (phylum). Porifera sponges have porous bodies.
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A water canal system is present in sponges. Water enters and exits the core cavity known as the spongocoel through minute pores in the body wall known as ostia. Water escapes via the osculum. This kind of movement aids in the collection of food, the disposal of waste, and the exchange of respiration.
A. Spongilla- Spongilla is a freshwater genus in the Spongillidae family that is mostly found in lakes or sluggish streams. Sponges of the genus Spongilla adhere to rocks or logs and filter the water for minute aquatic creatures such as bacteria, protozoans, and others.
B. Sycon- Sycon is a genus of calcareous sponges of the Cottidae family. Sycon may be found predominantly in shallow water. These sponges are tube-shaped and tiny.
C. Euspongia- Euspongia is a member of the Demospongiae family and is mostly found in the sea. The skeleton of Euspongia is comprised of spongin fibers. It is economically significant.
D. Euplectella- The genus Euplectella includes sea sponges. Because of the presence of siliceous spicules, these sponges are sometimes known as glass sponges. Venus flower baskets are included in Euplectella. They can be found in seawater or deep within the ocean.
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Concepts Used:

Animal Kingdom

Animals are eukaryotic, multicellular species that belong to the Kingdom Animalia. Every animal has a distinct characteristic. They get energy either by feeding on plants or on other animals. There are millions of species that have been recognized, few shares similar characteristics while others vary drastically.

Kingdom Animalia comprises all animals. In the midst of the five kingdoms, the largest kingdom is the animal kingdom. Animals are multicellular eukaryotes. Though, like plants, they do not possess chlorophyll or a cell wall. Therefore, members of the animal kingdom indicate a heterotrophic mode of nutrition. Kingdom Animalia is further classified into ten different subphyla based on their body designs or differentiations.

The different phyla of the Kingdom Animalia are as follows:

  1. Porifera
  2. Coelenterata (Cnidaria)
  3. Platyhelminthes
  4. Nematoda
  5. Annelida
  6. Arthropoda
  7. Mollusca
  8. Echinodermata
  9. Hemichordata
  10. Chordata

Read More: Classification of Animal Kingdom