
Mycorrhiza exhibits the phenomenon of

Updated On: Apr 3, 2024
  • parasitism
  • symbiosis
  • antagonism
  • endemism.
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The Correct Option is B

Solution and Explanation

Association between roots of higher plants e.g pine, birch and flmgal hyphae is called mycorrhiza. It exhibits the phenomenon of symbiosis. Here both the organisms in association are mutually benefitted. In this, fungal hyphae take nutrition from the plant and in return increase surface area for absorption of water and minerals for the plant. Mycorrhiza 1 roots occur in superficial layers of the soil. They are thick, irregular with wooly covering devoid of root hairs and root cap. They are of two types - ectomycorrhiza and endomycorrhiza. In the roots of Pi mis is seen ectotrophic mycorrhiza as the root hairs are poorly developed. In ectomycorrhiza, the fungus partner is commonly a basidiomycete. It lives in intercellular spaces of cortex and forms a thick wooly covering on the outside. In endomycorrhiza, the fungus is commonly a zygomycete. The tips of fungal hyphae pass into cortical cells producing swollen vesicles or finely branched masses called arbuscules. Endomycorrhiza is, therefore, also called VAM or vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza. Outer covering is small. Parasitism is a phenomenon that involves a parasite which lives in constant association of the host and gets its food directly or indirectly without killing the host. Antagonism is the inhibition of growth of one organism by another. Endemism is the permanent occurance of an organism inside another organism.
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Organisms and Populations


An attached living system that lives in an environment is commonly known as an organism. These organisms are able to retain certain behaviors and structures. Some examples of organisms are plants, animals, bacteria, fungi, and humans. A group of these organisms leads to the formation of a population. The collection of the population forms a community that assists in the operation of ecosystems. 

Each and every organism has the ability to adapt itself to various conditions of the environment. This capacity of organisms is due to their genetic variations. It is due to this only that their probability of survival get increases. For instance, camels adapt themselves to survive in desert areas and polar bears adapt to the extreme cold conditions or situations through their dense fur coat.


A collection of organisms or individuals of a species that live, at a specific time, in a geographical area that is well-defined and capable of interbreeding is described as a population.

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