Step 1: Understanding hydrosere succession
Hydrosere is a type of ecological succession that starts in aquatic environments and progresses towards the climax terrestrial stage. Each stage in this progression represents a shift in the dominant vegetation and habitat conditions.
Step 2: Identifying the stages of hydrosere succession
The typical stages in hydrosere succession are:
1. Phytoplankton stage (initial stage in water)
2. Submerged stage (rooted submerged plants)
3. Floating stage (rooted floating plants)
4. Reed swamp stage (emergent vegetation)
5. Sedge meadow stage (herbaceous plants in shallow water or wet soil)
6. Woodland stage (woody plants)
7. Climax stage (terrestrial vegetation like forest or grassland)
Step 3: Preceding stage to sedge meadow stage
The sedge meadow stage is characterized by sedges and other herbaceous plants. This stage is preceded by the reed swamp stage, which is dominated by emergent vegetation such as reeds and cattails.
Conclusion: The stage that comes just before the sedge meadow stage is the reed swamp stage.