
In Hydra, waste material of food digestion and nitrogenous waste material are removed respectively from

Updated On: Jul 20, 2024
  • mouth and mouth
  • body wall and body wall
  • mouth and body wall
  • mouth and tentacles.
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The Correct Option is C

Solution and Explanation

In Hydra indigestible residues are egested through mouth, for there is no anus. Egestion occurs by a sudden squirt due to muscular contraction of body, so that the debris is thrown at a distance. Hydra has neither blood and blood vessels, nor organs of excretion. Due to thinness of body wall and circulation of water in gastrovascular cavity, most cells of body remain freely exposed to the surrounding water. Therefore, excretion of waste nitrogenous matter (chiefly ammonia) occurs directly by diffusion through cell membranes in the outside world.
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Animal Kingdom

Animals are eukaryotic, multicellular species that belong to the Kingdom Animalia. Every animal has a distinct characteristic. They get energy either by feeding on plants or on other animals. There are millions of species that have been recognized, few shares similar characteristics while others vary drastically.

Kingdom Animalia comprises all animals. In the midst of the five kingdoms, the largest kingdom is the animal kingdom. Animals are multicellular eukaryotes. Though, like plants, they do not possess chlorophyll or a cell wall. Therefore, members of the animal kingdom indicate a heterotrophic mode of nutrition. Kingdom Animalia is further classified into ten different subphyla based on their body designs or differentiations.

The different phyla of the Kingdom Animalia are as follows:

  1. Porifera
  2. Coelenterata (Cnidaria)
  3. Platyhelminthes
  4. Nematoda
  5. Annelida
  6. Arthropoda
  7. Mollusca
  8. Echinodermata
  9. Hemichordata
  10. Chordata

Read More: Classification of Animal Kingdom