
If there is an average of 250 words on each page, then how many pages can Michael read in an hour?
1. There is an average of 25 tenword lines on each page.
2. Michael can read 30 tenword lines per minute.
Determine whether the data provided by the statements are sufficient to answer the given question. Choose the correct answer based upon the statements’ data, your knowledge of mathematics, and your familiarity with everyday facts.

Updated On: Oct 12, 2024
  • statement (A) by itself is sufficient to answer the given question, but statement (B) by itself is not;
  • statements (A) and (B) taken together are sufficient to answer the given question, even though neither statement by itself is sufficient;
  • statement (B) by itself is sufficient to answer the given question, but statement (A) by itself is not;
  • either statement by itself is sufficient to answer the given question;
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The Correct Option is B

Solution and Explanation

The correct option is (B) : statements (A) and (B) taken together are sufficient to answer the given question, even though neither statement by itself is sufficient;
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